One Stop Shop for Your Marketing Needs

For connecting your website account to gmail account then please follow the following steps. These steps help you to connect your website account to gmail account.

1. Please open your gmail account.

2. Click on settings. Then following dialog box appear and select settings from these options.

3. A window will be displayed. click on accounts and import option.

4. Click on Add a POP3 mail account you own.

5. Now new dialog box will appear. Please fill your website account which you want to configure:-  acountname@yourdomainname , like   ( . Click on next step


7. The another dialog box appear on you monitor screen. You please fill the require information

Username : acountname@yourdomainname , like   (

Password : !#$%^& (or as sent to you via email )

and click on add account.

8. Then you see the following message:

Your mail account has been added successfully.

click on first radio button (Yes, i want to able to send mail as

Click on next step


9. The another dialog box will appear; in this dialog box you please fill your company name or your name like RV Media.

Click on next step.

10. Next window will open .Click on Send through Gmail (Radio button) . Click on next step.

11. In Next window click on send verification.

12. Now it requires a verification code.  For this code you please open your webmail account .

13. You see a message through gmail team.

14. Open this message and read verification code or copy this code. Fill this code in the dialog box and click on close window.

OR just click on verification link in same mail.


Now your website account is successfully connected to your gmail account .Now You can send/ receive your webmails on your gmail account.
